Monday Motivation Becomes Today with Purpose

A New Focus on Faith, Joy, and Making Your Mark

Content and podcasts for Today with Purpose will kick off in late August 2023. We're eager to share insights and stories that inspire.
Harvey A. Ramer
Harvey A. Ramer
1 min read (314 words)

About the Author: Harvey A. Ramer has over two decades of experience as a software engineer. He helps business owners reach people seeking their expertise through search engine results. Harvey enjoys translating complex digital concepts into simple ideas for nontechnical business people. For SEO help, please reach out.

I want to offer a big “Thank you” to everyone who has been reading Monday Motivation since it launched in January 2023. I am in the middle of a brief hiatus from publishing the newsletter and realized several things I want to share with you.

First, motivation alone is not a topic of long-term interest to me.

Second, Monday Motivation is ubiquitous online, and standing out requires a well-chosen name. Yes, there’s a market for free content, and it’s competitive. Content is so abundant that it takes effort to give it away. It requires positioning a newsletter carefully.

Third, I love the idea of finding purpose in life. The need for purposeful life is universal, celebrated by world religions and especially throughout the Bible.

And so, I’m rebranding the newsletter and naming it “Today with Purpose.” I hope this name will offer more insight into the content available and be a little more noticeable on the internet.

I plan to begin regular newsletters at the end of August 2023. It will take me a few weeks to get enough content in the pipeline and define a new podcast format (yes, there is a supporting podcast). With the relaunch, I want to be ahead of things rather than chasing a schedule every week on demand.

So I look forward to staying connected over the next few weeks as I work on this project. Please share any ideas with me. I’d love to hear how you feel about the rebrand to Today with Purpose. Click around the website to see the recent content and color scheme changes.

I look forward to sharing more about how you can build your faith, find joy in your work, and make your mark. If you’re new to the newsletter and podcast, please subscribe so you don’t miss the messages I share.

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